Website Blocking and PC Monitoring Are Becoming Less Effective
Many employers address the Internet challenge by implementing website blocking to prevent employees from accessing nonproductive websites. Others install computer monitoring software to prevent Internet abuse. These solutions were designed to prevent employees from wasting time on the Internet, but they have become less effective in recent years. One reason is almost all employees now have a personal smart phone. Social media, shopping, news, banking and almost everything else on a PC are available on a smart phone.
The Key to Success Is Employee Performance Measurement
The key to encourage employee productivity is to have quantifiable measurements for employee performance reviews. This sounds easy, but it is one of the most challenging parts of running a business. The employee performance measurement will depend on the position and nature of the business. Many small to medium sized companies have difficulty coming up with good performance measurements.
MySammy Measures Employee Productivity
MySammy is a remote monitoring software solution that assists management with employee performance evaluations. It collects the computer activities of an employee and presents managers with easy-to-read graphs and charts. Management can compare data from different employees and set a reasonable computer active/productive percentage. This can be used as an objective in employee performance appraisals to encourage employees to achieve their full potential.